Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Calling All BYU Fans &/or Do-gooders

A few months back I deleted all my blog feeds except for people I have actually met. For you youngsters it might be the equivelant of deleting your myspace friends--who am I kidding, youngsters aren't reading my blog. Anyway, nienie dialogues was one of those blogs. Why was I wasting my time reading about someone else's life? Well, awhile later I came across her blog again and she had started adding "daily inspiration" to her posts--usually a link to something on lds.org. I put her back in my favorites. I've never met her but I admired her. Her posts weren't long anyway so I wasn't wasting much time.
Stephanie and her husband were in a plane crash (up-dates given on her sister's site). It is all over the blogging world, the news, the new york times, the today show. There are many on-line auctions to raise money for their hospital bills. My cousin Chanell started one on her blog. Lots of our blog readers are friends from our beloved and deeply missed Lehi 26th ward. I know lots of you are BYU fans so you will like this auction. Please tell others about it. It is for a good cause.
I know there are so many people out there that need help with hospital bills but here is another sad story and auction if you're looking for another good deed.


Staci Leach said...

Holy macrel! I've seen so many links to that blog. My friend who is back East, My cousin on Dad's Side and ton's of friends!

shana said...

WOW, that story hit close to home for me. My little brother was in a plane crash 3 years ago and was lucky to survive. He broke both of his ankles and burned his left arm pretty bad. My heart goes out to their family and pray for them to recover.

Em-Cat said...

I found this blog through Segulla and MMW...every time I see it I cry. It's amazing how many people have already reached out to them and how much money they've already raised. I hope it keeps going!

Em-Cat said...

Hey K8...just got your message on my blog...I have started my super-secret-no-pervs-allowed private blog...I did invite you and you did accept. I'm a little perplexed! I'll send you an e-mail to make sure I have your correct address, but in the meantime the G-Fam blog address is: www.ourfamilyisbetterthanyourfamily.blogspot.com

Yeah - I know the title is a little self absorbed, but we thought it was funny at the time! Check it out and see if you can view it under your blogger account.