Fred was sitting on the second stair trying to lift something when he lost his balance and fell flat on his face on the hardwood floor. He got a bloody nose and a fat lip. He had been eating string cheese and I kept finding left-overs that looked like chips of teeth. But I did a thorough check of his 3 front teeth and they all felt sturdy. I think there is an unseen and unconquerable force that causes kids to hurt their faces when photo sessions have been planned. He kept touching and licking his fat lip.
I’m not exactly sure how this happened but it involved closing her eyes, leaning back in her swing and colliding with Fred’s swing. With the bridge of her nose. She looks like a Neanderthal. Both of her eyes turned black.
Thank goodness his remaining teeth are intact. I once had a racoon face like hers from dancing around and then bonking into a door.
Did you really have pictures lined up? That blows.
You better be careful or sombody might call cps on you!!
Poor Stella, she looks miserable...
Fred looks happy though.
Photoshop is our friend.
Ouch! I'm sure she's already started to heal, but Stella's nose looks like it REALLY hurt! Thank goodness teeth were intact. My 3 year old nephew knocked out his two front teeth last summer riding his scooter. We had scrapbook night last night....missed you.
oh dear!!!
Isn't it amazing how often our kids get hurt. I swear we never got hurt that bad as kids
Poor Stella...getting hit on the bridge of your nose always seems to hurt worse than anywhere else!
Don't answer your door in case it's CPS knocking.
How come all your posts involve blood shed of your kids? Are you doing the "if I beat my kids officer, why would I post pictures on the internet" defense? Brilliant.
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