Wednesday, April 09, 2008

While You Were Out

Fred came up with another trick today: He was enjoying himself when I went and did something horribly cruel:
I made him sit down.
He has little tolerance for sitting while not having food spooned into his mouth. What is the point?

Also, I found a small, pink, rubbery thing in his poopy diaper. I believe it was of the Polly Pocket genus.
And, Stella fell down the stairs to the basement. We think she was trying to carry too many things and misjudged the top step. (There were stuffed animals scattered all over.)
Overall, no serious damage has been done.


Heath said...

My Lachlan does the exact same thing...stands up and then cries when I sit him back down! I told you multi-levels get lots of bumps:)

Unknown said...

Fred has an awesome shaped head.