Anyone want a free trip to Boise? All you have to do is potty-train Stella. I think she might have peeing under control but I still don't dare test her at night or at preschool. She is not a fan of duking on the pot. My mom called me last night with an idea she read in a book. You are supposed to lead the kid to come up with the solution. Something like this:
Stella, is Fred a big boy or a baby?
Is he very good at feeding himself?
No, he makes a mess. And he has to sleep in a crib. Is he good at talking?
Can he ride a bike?
No (laughing)
What would happen if we didn't put diapers on him?
He would pee and poo all over.
Yeah. Gross. What about you? Are you a big girl or a baby?
Big girl.
Yeah, you can ride a bike and....(talk about all the big girl things she can do). And what would you do if I didn't put a diaper on you.
Go in the potty.
Then I explained how diapers are expensive and I don't like to buy them and I ask her what she thinks we should do to solve this problem. It is the ol' missionary resolving doubts tactic. She is more likely to go along with the solution if it is her own. In the story my mom told me the little girl said, "I could stop using diapers and start peeing in the potty." Stella's solution to my problem? "Make Dad buy them."