This is 5 years ago. Chloe slept in our bed for a year. She was a bed hog. We changed our ways with Stella and Fred. We trained Stella to go to sleep on her own. It was so awesome 99% of the time. But she could only sleep alone. This made plane rides and hotel stays miserable. Fred is also a good sleeper. We are hoping Fred does well this weekend. He takes two naps and sleeps from 7:30-7:30. Both Stella and Fred had/have pacifiers and comfort objects. I am not good at keeping a schedule. When I notice that Fred is grumpy I lay him down. But sometimes he is tired without being grumpy and then he goes to his crib and gets his pacifier and horse himself. Those signs are easiest to read. (Side note: all my kids have hummed while sucking on their binkies.)
Also in the above picture is my blankie. Dan was jealous of it for years so I finally got rid of it when we moved to Idaho. I miss it. It kept me warm. I'll have to make a new one.