When we decided to move to Boise I considered getting a new (to us) house as a pro. Not anymore. We spent all week in Boise and looked at soooo many houses. I like the craftsman style and I really want a porch. But we couldn't agree on one. It gets frustrating. There is a lot for sale and that only makes it harder. Our neighborhood in Lehi has so many little kids. Chloe does not want to leave her friends. So the most important thing to us is finding a neighborhood with lots of kids. Lots of girls. Around age 5. Is that asking too much?
It was a long week. Ear infections, coughs, teething, allergies, pneumonia, whining, sleep deprivation. It is a miracle that none of Chanell's family got sick. {Thank you so much for letting us stay!} We are staying in Lehi this week for dentist appointments, and a preschool field trip. We'll head up to Boise again this weekend to search some more. Then we'll come back for doctor appointments, preschool graduation, and doll club. I'm not looking forward to the drive.
Wish us luck. We're running out of time.
but are any of these the ones dan likes...
Good luck! They all look good to me.
I like the curb appeal of the bottom right picture. Who had pneumonia?! Ug!
I don't envy you all the driving.
Good luck! Does this mean the sale went through on your house?
i love the one on the bottom right. how fun! they all look super nice
As far as the outer architect...I like the very bottom one. Obviously there is much more to buying a home. I love the craftsman look too. Our next home will be craftsman (in the midst of all the "Utah looking" homes. I don't care!) Good Luck with hunting.
I LOVE the 2nd one. There is great window on the 2nd floor and no "dead space" (lots of wall)anywhere in the front of the house. But none of that matters if the floor plan is lame.
Good luck. And school is out here in 3 weeks so let us know if you need some help in Lehi OR Idaho.
I love all the houses you posted! That is so fun. Good luck finding just the right one for your family.
I like the house in the bottom right hand corner as well. The garage isn't as prominant and I like the color scheme. It's hard to find the "perfect" house. I wish you lots of luck!
I love all the houses. So much better than the stucco milk cartons in a sea of spanish tile!! Yes we do live in vegas!! I want to build so bad, to have a different looking house than every other house in this city and these houses are totally the style I love!! Good luck in you desision!
O.K. If your taking votes on houses I say the third or 4th one because I havent seen green grass for a long time! How refreshing! Well you know girl we are going to miss you a ton! Even though this is a busy stressful time for you, you always seem to get that FUN in with your kids and family! AMAZING!
Love ya,
Grammy & Pepe(The Mass.LaRiviere's)said:
When We sold Otis,We were Homeless for 6 mos.We "SHARE YOUR PAIN"but wish We could "Come to Your Aid"!
Let us know how we can help.
We are saving the Hugs,Kisses,till we see you in person,but the Tears we'll shed here.
Kiss & hug each other often.
Grammy & Pepe LaRiviere(Grand)that is
Maybe it's a sign you should just stay here! You know I am kidding-Ally is just super sad Chloe is moving and we are sad to see you go! Good luck on house hunting, I don't envy you at all--it's fun to get something new, but shopping for it is kind of a pain-especially with kids!
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