Monday, August 30, 2010

It was a cold morning. I made my girls endure without their jackets while we took pictures. Fred just assumed he was invited to be in the photo. His inside-out pants are an example of how he is trying to take control of his life.

I'm so glad we live close enough to bike. And I'm glad we live close enough to walk when they are grounded from their bikes.

There she goes. This is not emotional for me. (Did anyone think that it might be?)
Fred cried. Not because he loves his sisters so much and will miss them, but because he thinks he should be able to do everything they do. He really wanted to go to school.
All done.
(The quickest three hours of the day.)


ferardandy said...

they are so cute, i love first day of school pics.

Leslie said...

You crack me up! No sugary details. Just the homnest facts. Loved it!

Amy said...

I am so excited for kid to go to school too. no tears will be shed here! I love them, and love doing things with them, but a few hours of them gone never hurts!

Julie said...

just wanted to let you know that i answered your question about italian soda bars on my comment thread. Let me know if you have any other questions. if you end up doing one I'd love to know how it went.
oh and you have a darling family!