Monday, June 29, 2009

Photo Shoot

On our way home from St. George we stopped in Provo for a photo shoot with my brother Jordan.
Jordan is currently living in Santa Clara. Call him up for that perfect Christmas card photo (or any type of photo). He is currently running the Want-to-move-out-and-go-off-to-college special.
$250 for a session--unlimited time.
Includes a cd of ALL IMAGES.
(Other packages available also.)

Sunday, June 28, 2009


The girls took a ballet/gymnastics class. Fred likes to copy his sisters. So he wears dress-ups, plays with dolls, wears headbands, etc. I don't mind. He also really likes trucks and balls and 'boy' stuff. I know he'll eventually conform to the gender role that society prefers. Chloe wanted a tea party. She asked and asked and I gave vague answers. She finally made invitations and made me commit to a date. Then Chanell and I decided to have "Tea Party Tuesdays". Turns out there were only about three Tuesdays in the whole summer. Weird.
The middle pictures documents what polite, dainty princesses they all are.
Fred only broke two dishes.

Danika introduced me to raw oatmeal. I love it because it tastes good and I am lazy.
Chloe loves it. Fred likes his with raisins. Stella doesn't like it. This is kind of sad because she really likes cooked oatmeal but when 2 out of 3 are willing to go along with the lazy method then the third ends up with cold cereal without milk.

Every night at dinner--ok, let's be honest--Every night that we actually sit down as a family to eat, Fred eventually ends up on Dan's lap. He pushes his plate over by Dan, climbs out of his chair and walks across the table. Every time. I'm glad he prefers Dan on this one.

This is Chloe saying "goodbye" to the cat. We didn't get rid of her. We only banished her to the lone and dreary world. That's what happens when you pee on the carpet. Unless it is our child. In that case we just try an assortment of tactics, none of which work, then give up.

Fred climbed into this by himself. I'm impressed that it didn't tip.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Two Weeks of June

I headed south with the kids. We went to a family reunion in Las Vegas, hung out in Santa Clara and went fishing on Cedar Mountain.
On the drive to Cedar Mountain Stella and Fred were fighting. Stella's weapon of choice was a red marker. Jordan and Kyle (a friend) jamming. Fred and Chloe on one of their many hikes.

Fun with Grandpa.

Sam and Zach playing catch.

Jordan told them to look scary. Griff nailed it but Stella
went with her Susan Boyle impersonation.
We didn't catch many fish but they were pretty big.

Me and Stella (I totally cheated on this photo. A little wrinkle smoothing, blemish healing, evening out skin tone and check out those white teeth. It was not a cute camping picture.) Most of the group. Rachel and Fred.
Jordan and Fred.

Dollar store bows and arrows kept the kids entertained.

Swimming at Rachel's with Sara and Ella Goodrich.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How I Spent My Summer

I'm about to start blogging again. Soon.
Just wait, you'll see.

(scroll down the blog to see some catch-up posts)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Spring Soccer

Another season has come and gone.  We didn’t sign up Stella this time because her desire/willingness to play last season was unpredictable.

soccer collage